Thursday 8 March 2012

10 Secrets to Happiness

After a long, stressful week I sat down to read my Chatelaine Magazine and found an article that helped me to get back on the positive edge once again. Sometimes in this hectic, crazy world people just forget to stop and recognize how important happiness is and better yet, what we can fo to stay positive and happy all the time.

Chatelaine Magazine sent 2 of their own on a year- long quest to find the secrets to happiness - I must say I agree that many of these "Really Work, " as we ourselves have tested and proved.

Thought we would share. If you only incorporate one of these things into your life... our job is done.

  1. Exercise, go to the theatre or (yes, we'll say it... or have sex)!
  2. Practice Gratitude. Be thankful for all the good things in your life and even better yet write them down. It somehow makes a better impact when it's on paper.
  3. Hold the Door. Random acts of kindness can fuel a  sense of long-lasting fulfillment. So the next time you have a chance: stop for a pedestrian, be gracious in traffic and watch out for our elderly they can always use our help.
  4. Take a deep breath. Breathing from your belly up always gives you that blast of oxygen and gets the blood flowing. When you're feeling stress.... stop...close your eyes... take 10 deep breaths. If you do this at least twice a day it will help to keep your busy stressful day under control.
  5. Be curious. Re-live your childhood, always explore and incorporate regular active learning into your lives.
  6. Don't shop til you drop. When you head to the mall to relieve stress chances are it's only going to create more - financially. Do you really need more things? Maybe better yet pick up some food for the food bank or drop off those items you have around your home that will help out a shelter.
  7. Touch someone. Touch is a basic need that we have at birth. Touching gives people the feeling of security and of course a massage works wonders too!
  8. Laugh Out Loud. Were big believers in this! Laughing releases feel- good endorphins, increases pain resistance and promotes social bonds.
  9. Love Yourself! If you care about yourself, you do what's healthy for you rather than what's harmful.
  10. Find the awesome. I think that part of how you can be happy is by noticing all of the small, simple pleasures around you. So take notice and enjoy those little things when you can.
I hope this inspires you to do the things that you know give you great pleasure and happiness. Cliff and I enjoy those things around us; spend as much time with our family and friends as possible and always take time to have a life. We love what we do, enjoy the people we work with and have found the right ingredients to have a happy, healthy life!