Thursday 16 February 2012

Welcome To Our First BLOG Ever!

TODAY’ BLOG – Feb 17th, 2012
Well here we go, our first blog.  First we had to learn..’what is a blog’ and ‘what is it that our clients, friends and family will want to hear about’.  We think we got it so we will, as of today, keep an updated Blog for those of you that want to follow it.
The ‘market’ that is what everyone wants to know about.  Whether you are in the market of buying or selling right now or whether you are just interested in your own investments, we all like to keep in touch with what is going on.  As you have all noticed the Real Estate market in Kamloops has been affected by the ‘world economy’ since the shift in 2008.  We, here in Kamloops, have weathered this storm better than most and it appears that we are holding at a stable pace.  Our values rose a bit due to the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics and then, as they forecasted, dropped somewhat after the Olympics.  2011 started off very sluggish and we really never did experience a ‘spring’ market.  We have started 2012 out with higher sales activity over last January and very comparable to 2010. 
The ‘feel’ for the market is that we are seeing an active start to the year with more showings on our properties than we saw in November and December of 2011.  There also seems to be more buyers inquiring about various properties, so that means that consumer confidence appears to be up.
I also encourage our clients, friends and family to call us when they have questions about the market.  Remember….Global BC TV is not local!  We are in the market, which is why we would prefer to give you our local stats as well as our ‘feel’ for the market.   Cliff has over 16 years in the business, while I have over 28 (I started when I was 12).  We have weathered a few market changes over the years and have the experience to share with you.  Call us anytime!